I'm really close to the one year anniversary from the last time I posted on this blog. What does that say about me?
Well, it could say that I have the attention span of many others of my generation. I can't seem to find the focus and discipline to post consistently. Oh look, a squirrel...
Or it could say I am too busy to pay enough attention to this. But that's not really true.
What I think it says is that I am struggling to know what is important and what is not important. I find myself not writing enough - period. I faithfully prepare sermons that our outline driven. I write the periodic newsletter article. I write emails to communicate big and little things. I want to be passionate about writing, but I find too many passions vie for too little time.
It's an interesting life I lead - trying to be a dad, husband, pastor, Navy chaplain, soccer referee, and the list goes on and on. So much to do and so little time.
Do I need one more commitment? I'm not sure, but maybe I have to try...