But as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:14-15)
This part of 2 Timothy is filled with admonishment and exhortation. The author is encouraging a young disciple (whose actual identity is probably less important than the words being shared) in life with God. It is a message that bears no small amount of law as it speaks to create right behavior and good works.
Notable in this section is where this encouragement begins. "But as for you" he begins. In contrast to those who are wicked (who are described previously in the letter, the receiver is given direction. And it's important to see where that encouragement starts. "But as for you..." keep on keepin' on. Continue in what you already know. Keep doing what you have learned since you were a child. And remember who taught you to do it. You have a heritage of faith on which to draw and depend, you simply have to do it.
It makes me think of those who have been a part of my journey of faith - and there are many:
- My grandfather, who sat with us every Sunday in church and was an example of quiet but steady faith.
- My mother, who taught me to recognize the brokenness that we live through and continue to seek God anyway.
- My father, who shows me how we can continue to grow at any point in our lives.
- My wife, who makes me remember that God is God, and I am not. And my kids who reinforce the point. :-)
- My seminary professors, mentors, colleagues...

The list goes on and on. So many people have shared their faith with me in countless variations and styles. I can put all their words and actions up on a ledger against my own and see where I have failed to live up to what they expected of me. And I can see the ways we have all failed to live up to what God expects of us.
And then I remember the heart of what they've shared with me all these years isn't that I'm being judged for how I have failed. I have been, and always will be, offered the gift of unconditional grace. No matter how many times I mess it up and don't do it the right way, I can turn back to God and hear words of forgiveness - for me. Over and over again. Which is good. I need that.
Who is it that has taught you? Feel free to comment below, or simply use that question as a devotional theme this week. Give thanks to God for those teachers. Give thanks to God for what you have learned. Give thanks to God for the opportunity we are given to rise daily from the waters of baptism feeling clean and forgiven.
Maybe it's time to take those words and promises we know, and tell them to a new generation. So they too can know the love that God has for us...always.
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